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There are currently 2 bids for this domain name. The current bid price is $41.50. Auction closes in 1 month.

Auction Status IN PROGRESS
Domain Name Registry Information
Last Checked: 5 September 2024 12:29
Status: Redemption Period
Registered: 19 July 2023 15:05
Expired On: 5 September 2024 12:29
Cancelled: 20 July 2024 10:47
Auction Ends 20 October 2024 13:45 (1 month)
Current Price $ 41.50
Minimum Next Bid $ 43.50
Your Bid $
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Bid History
Amount $ Date Time Bidder
41.50 5 September 2024 17:15:35 onlinemarketer
39.50 5 September 2024 17:14:12 onlinemarketer